
It’s Voden Time!

It is always a pleasure to share about Voden :) So, who are we?

We are a creative agency digital at core based in Istanbul. We create engagement rather than advertising for digitally enabled audiences of new communication era. And to us, engagement is any form of interaction. Whether it is a website, microsite, digital campaign, social media presence, video, story, platform, game or application. We create meaningful content and experience for audiences independent from any form and any medium. And social is at heart of what we do.

We are 60 talented people with a great enthusiasm and vision to craft effective communication plans & executions for our brands, in new, extremely complex media landscape.

Some of our clients are; Coca-Cola Company, Peugeot, Turkish Airlines, Kellogg’s, Johnson & Johnson, AXA, Avea, VakıfBank, Watsons, Veet, Odeabank, İnci.

I love our brands and our people.

Here is a piece of our work.

Oral Tradition Is Back: Storytelling

Storytelling is the new “buzzword” among creative industry. But why? Let me give a quick wrap-up about that. Since the beginning of history people spread ideas through stories in an oral tradition. Ideas used to spread, change, evolve among people for years. Up until golden advertising age of 1950s where messages drived by broadcasting. In broadcasting era, people became consumers of ideas, there was only one-way dialogue, no oral tradition.

With digital revolution broadcasting era use over. Audiences again get the charge of ideas through spreading, sharing, curating them all over the world. It is the “digitally empowered version of oral tradition” In this new landscape what kind of ideas can survive, of course STORIES!

In my next post I will give some tips for good storytelling based on Joseph Campbell’s iconic work Hero’s Journey. The video above also covers the fundamentals.

Good Content Marketing: Snapchat Project

A Brazilian NGO supporting environmental projects created project through their Snapchat account, namely Nature Snap Fact. The idea is very simple. In each 10 seconds a natural resource disappear in the world, so it does from Snapchat. Since each content disappear in Snapchat anyway, it seems a clever way for them to grab attention.

A Track & Music Video Fueled by User Comments

I really liked the way they did this campaign.. Clams Casino and Vic Mensa come together and they created a new track & music video. But this process is broadcasted from Youtube live and fueled by comments from Youtube users in real time. Shorthly, user contributed to craft the song & music video. Even the decoration of the studio and other art pieces are produced according to the user comments!

Instagram Lovers

To me Instagram is one of the best communication platforms for brands. Some brands already recognized the huge potential of Instagram. We will definitely see more of Instagram initiatives in the upcoming days.

Why brands started to love it? To me, because it is a perfect environment for branded user generated content in a very cool way! In Instagram every ordinary moment can magically turn to piece of art :) Journeys, moments, foods, travels, experiences,  selfies, fashion.. And people are more likely to share the visual expression of their lifes to their network. Instagram gives the oppurtunity to look/feel good and bringing them close to photography. And brands can not stay away from such strong instinct.

Here are some quick tips for brands from Instagram;

– Be true to your brand
– Share experiences
– Find beauty everywhere
– Inspire action
– Know your audience

See more Instagram tips & news for brands in their own blog for businesses:


First Short Movie From Vines

Video içeriğin değerini anlatmaya lüzum yok.  Vine kısa sürede tüm dünyayı salladı. Türkiye’de Twitter’ın da desteği ile hızla büyüdü. Yüzbinlerce takipçisi olan bir çok kullanıcı, markalar ve yaratıcı işbirlikleri aldı başını gidiyor. 6 saniyelik video dünyası hem insanların içerisindeki yaratıcı gücü ortaya çıkarmalarına imkan tanıyor, hem de markalar için bulunmaz bir etkileşim fırsatı sunuyor.

Vine özelinde çok basit ama bir o kadar etkili bir iş aşağıdaki. Airbnb çok basit bir kurgu ile takipçilerini bir maceraya dahil etmiş. Bir yönetmen, bir senarist var, ama görüntüler dünyanın farklı yerlerinden farklı kullanıcılarından. Sahneleri numaralandırıp, her sahne için takipçilerinden içerik istemiş marka. Basitlik, özgünlük ve gerçeklik.

Well done Airbnb :)

Creative Collaboration Icon: Absolut

Absolut tüm dünyada kreatif işbirliklerinin ve yeniden yaratımların merkezinde duran ikonik bir marka olmayı başarmıştır. Yaratıcı dünya ve sanatçılarla ile olan gerek global gerek lokal bir çok işbirliği Absolut’un alameti farikası aslında. Bu bir tesadüf değil. Markanın özünde creative collaboration ve inspiration var çünkü. Bu yönüyle de Absolut yaratıcı beyinlere de ilham veren, sofistike ve bir o kadar populer bir marka.

Konu Absolut olunca, Voden olarak yaptığımız güzel bir işbirliği projesi var yukarıda. Online-offline connectionların çok fazla konuşulduğu bu zamanlarda, üzerinden epey zaman geçmesine rağmen örnek olacak bir execution. Have a look.



Voden Presents: “A3 ile Kendini Yenile”

“Yeni A3’e sahip olmak, sadece yeni bir otomobile sahip olmak değildir” dedik ve insanların kendilerini yenilemelerini sağladık. Yaşam koçu, stil danışmanı ve fitness antrenörü ile başlayan interaktif bir A3 videosu ile insanlara ulaştık. Buradaki video içerik ise şahsen benim favorim. A3 kamera karşısında nasıl da parlıyor. Peki bunu nasıl yaptık? İzleyelim görelim. Made in Voden for Audi.