Tag Archives: Digital Transformation

The Talent Gap: 90% of Companies Lack Digital Skills!

While digital is the main driver of business transformation, it is unfortunate that most companies go slow to lead the change. Most of the current human resources models obviously do not apply when it comes to digital. But the questions are so simple: Who will lead companies in their journey of digital transformation? Who will generate a digital-savvy culture within the company? Who will play a change agent role in this transformation? Who will build core digital competencies and strategies for this digital transformation?

These questions trigger the absence and necessity of digital mindsets in business world. Yes, there is a serious human capital shortage in digital out there. The world urgently needs talents, competencies and leaders to play key role in digital transformation of business and companies.  How will you acquire talents and constantly nurture them in ever changing digitalised business models? What does your company do to overcome this clear shortage?

The crystal clear fact is that companies are not ready for it. Some of them try to overcome digital transformation through consulting, outsourcing or transferring people from digital companies. But this is not a solution. For being a truly digital savvy organisation you have make it in an authentic way, part of your own DNA and culture. So what you need is examining into current organisational models, company culture and all human resources models. Make a commitment. Go for it whatever it takes.

Moreover companies can also invest in: Incubation programs, new recruitment models, employee-exchange programs, partnerships with internet companies and acquisition of new business model companies. For example P&G started an employee-exchange program with Google to leverage its digital skills and capabilities. And other giant companies are watching talents from Silicon Valley or familiar digital talents.

Looking into HR models, it is obvious that companies need new ways and programs to build a digital vision. It is not about those typical/boring in class trainings. It is about to inject the core competencies into the organisation. Roles, positions, teams, leaders, all of them should be in a harmony to build that culture. And of course this is not just an HR initiative. All disciplines, departments and most importantly company leaders must drive this digital transformation and be volunteer to get out of their comfort zone.

Your giant companies are getting old. Those old good days are gone. You should keep it quick to stay in the game.

