
Is It Really “Viral”?

We are huge video consumers. That’s why brands need liquid video contents to engage with audiences. But that doesn’t mean each branded video is viral!

First of all, each highly viewed video content is not viral video. Today with organized and well planned media investment, you reach pretty good results in video scores. Especially with the introduction of Youtube ad models, favoritely pre-rolls, and cost-effective pricing, you can have a particular display with your video. That is totally OK by the way, as long as the brand & agency are aware of that, and purpose of the video content. I mean each video hasn’t necessarily to be viral anyway.

But each video has a “Virality Effect”. Brands need to decide the expected virality effect of video in the briefing session. And it is more important to observe the organic wins on top of the media scores. But what are those organic figures? Here I list the major ones;

-The views gathered apart from media coverage

-Conversations in social space about your video content and reach

-Content curations from users, like spoofs, caps, re-posts, etc.

-Any type of interaction in brand’s social media assets

Keep in mind :)

Storytelling For Brands – Your Brand Is Not HERO, But The MENTOR

Joseph Campbell’s iconic work Hero’s Journey is a master piece for storytelling. And it always work. Hero’s journey light the path of stories in Holywood and film-making industry. Today, with digitally empowered audiences, brands had to craft compelling stories too. But how?

Hero’s Journey is still the answer for marketers and creatives. Brands create stories. And their communications are like chapters. There is always a moral of story which storyteller wants to share. The moral of story is value of the brand.

The story begins with the HERO. Who is the hero in a brand story? Your brand? No! It is your audience. You only empower them to live their adventure and participate to your story.

What about the brand? The brand is not a hero, but the MENTOR. The mentor guides and inspires the hero to reach his potential and succeed. The mentor does not talk about himself, but tells how great the hero is. The mentor makes the hero believe and take action. Just as a brand does in an engaging creative campaign today.

The mentor also gives a GIFT to hero to help him/her in his journey. In communication that is actually the BRAND GIFT, what the brand will deliver.

To sum up, Hero’s Journey is still a beautiful guide to marketing people who needs good stories. And the foundations of storytelling is the right path to success in digital landscape.

Data And Technology Is Useless Without Creativity And Storytellers

Technology and new media landscape shapes the advertising industry. Digital era transforms the way of doing advertising. However, in United States the biggest ad spendings is still TV with 66 billion USD in 2013, followed by online advertising spendings around 42 billion USD!

Obviously it is not just about online advertising. The agencies, clients, technology companies are becoming more data savvy day by day. These data can be derived from web habits, social media activites, credit card histories of each online individual. And the both marketers and agencies try to find out the way of doing more personalized advertising practices through these data.

So far, it is still difficult to build a crystal clear advertising solutions based on online data. But both agencies and brands started to invest on that. Some global brands like Coke, Nike, Burberry established marketing software departments. Ad agencies acquire technology companies focuses on this. And huge technology giants build services specifically addressing this issue for brands.

However, in order to create a change & impact in indivuals’s lifes and perceptions with an effective advertising, it is not enough just to command the data and technology. Brands need creative minds and storytellers to merge insights with new technologies & data.

People at Voden

Here is Voden people and I love them all!

People & culture are the only power of a creative agency. And creativity comes in many different forms and shapes in digital era. So it is vital for each and every Voden people to come up with innovative and creative solutions for our brands whether it is strategy, design, development, copywriting, account management and  other.

The passion, talent and enthusiasm of our people are the main success drivers of our brands.


Social Is Not A Platform, It Is A Feature.

This is one of the main illusions of marketers and agency people. Most of us see social media as various internet platforms our brand can fit into. But actually it is not! In digital landscape, social should be the feature which transforms everything we do in digital to a two way dialogue. Be it a comment box in a website, or a digital campaign lead by user generated contents. Indepenedently from a certain platform, each & every digital initiative could have social features. 

Good Bye “Big Idea”

Both brands and agencies used to run for a big idea. The agencies used to work to craft one big, TV centric, broadcast campaign. But this approach is over now.

Digital landscape also transformed the creative approach for crafting ideas. A core creative idea may come up with a lot of tactical ideas and executions which will provoke conversations among target audience. So, for agency people; creatives should not just focus to find a very “big idea”. Because in digital, creativity comes in many different forms. What brands need is to craft a lot of integrated tactical creative ideas & executions, originated from a single core creative idea, that can live in a number of channels.

There will always be “big ideas”, and we will be running to get them. But a big idea is most effective when the agency also crafts other extensions/interpretations of the idea in each different channels in an engaging way.



Not A Technology, Actually A Story

Dijitalde yeni bir teknoloji yaratmak ve bu sürecin iletişimini yapmak bir yol. Yani sayısız yollardan bir tanesi. Bu tip iletişimlerde iyi bir konsept bulmak, dişe dokunur bir teknoloji geliştirmek ve hikaye yaratmak önemli. Audi’nin #onemillionreason projesi de bunlara bir örnek.

Sosyal medyada bir milyon kişiye ulaşmalarını kutlamak isteyen marka, bir milyon gerçek kullanıcıyı web arayüzünde 3D bir Audi modellemesi ile göstermek istemiş. WebGL teknolojisi kullanarak yarattığı arayüz gerçekten çok tatlı. Ama önemli olan bu süreci bir iletişime çevirmesi. Hakkını da vermiş Audi bu projede, güzel olmuş.

What Digital Do?

Exposure, broadcasting, display are the elements of traditional advertising. But in digital we try to build engagement, interaction, experience and conversation.

Ben bizim yaptığımız işi aslında böyle özetliyorum. İnsanlar ile etkileşim kurma, interaksiyon yaratabilme, bir kullanıcı deneyimi yaşatma ve diyaloğa girme.. Pazarlama iletişimi için ne kadar değerli şeyler öyle değil mi? Ve bir o kadar zor. İşte dijitalin özeti; çok meşakkatli ve çok değerli :)